Sunday, March 9, 2008


Ah, sweet success. Another one bites the dust! Actually, I wrapped up three cases this week. Two more will be brought to satisfactory conclusion soon. None of these wimps actually tasted dirt, even though they deserved it.

Friday, February 29, 2008

An Encounter With King Kong's Sister

My Grandmother's sister had a potassium meltdown. I understand it's really serious stuff, but it happens to her on a regular basis. She perked up after a few days. Her son asked me to sit with her a few hours, and I was happy to oblige.

Her room was private, with it's own minature bathroom. After an hour or so, I have to obey mother nature. So there I am in the bathroom, drying my hands, ready to sit with her again, when my great aunt's voice stops me in my tracks. "How much do you weigh?" She asks "Five hundred pounds."

Then another voice says "None of your damn business, if I weigh six hundred."

I opened the door, and found myself staring into the face of an R.N., the size of Queen Kong. I mean my old auntie didn't miss by much. That woman was a Rock of Gibralter.

So there we stood, the lean mean bounty hunter, and the caught with her pants down, nurse. We were face to face, eyeball to eyeball. I never imagined, a fat woman could move so fast!

Afterward I mulled it over. To bad, there wasn't a bounty on her. If they were paying by the pound, I could take a vacation.

Auntie is much better now. All's well that ends well. Thank God that nurse didn't stumble forward, before she beat her rather hasty retreat.

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Killer Docs?

The front page, of today's local newspaper, detailed the deaths of three young people. According to the paper,the three died within eight hours, of each other. All succumbed to a lethal combination of methadone,xanax, and lortab. The common denominator, a local physician, who had prescribed painkillers etc. The article went on to say, a trio of doctors were being investigated, for overprescribing said drugs. Aparently, this type of death has increased dramatically in the last year. The mayor says the city has declared war, on any and all physicians, guility of this behavior. Names of the three have not yet been released.

This is not a big town. It is disturbing that so many M.D.'s may be involved. This crap is revolting. Doc's complain all the time about drug seekers. It seems as though, these particular drugs have been traced to the source. Wonder of wonders, the guilty party isn't a street thug.

I doubt if anyone of them jumps bail, but I can always hope.

A scumbag isn't always obvious.

Monday, February 25, 2008

Excuse My Dust

Another one bites the dust, literally. The joker fell flat,not on his ass, but his Charley Manson face. He needed six stitches. He deserved it. If you do the crime, do the time. These guys, who take a hike on their own kids are the worst, well almost.

It really irks me to think of all those little kids, deprived of what they need, by a jerk who should have stayed single and/or practiced birth control. Some of these women need to wise up themselves. Fat chance.

Sunday, February 24, 2008

I Love America

These idiots who are always criticizing, or downing America annoy (as my grandpa would say) the holy hell out of me. America is the greatest country in the world. As America goes,so goes the world. Those who clammer, for the fall of America, are pleading for their own downfall. If not for America and her money, there would be more kids dying from starvation, more deaths from AIDS, more general chaos in the world.

Maybe some of these shitheads, should get out of Dodge. They could always take up residence in The Sudan, or some other equally pleasant place. So they hate George Bush. Maybe Fidel's brother would suit them better. How about Putin, or the creepy little Eddie Munster nutjob from Iran. The plain truth is this. America is one of the few places in the world, where you can insult the president and get away it. Would Chavez put up with that kind of crap? Try it and see.

One thing really amuses me though. The lefties (and I don't mean major league pitchers) screaming bloody murder, about what Bush has and hasn't done, are only raising their own blood pressure. He couldn't care any less about their bulging neck veins. In the end, he will ride off into the sunset with Laura, enjoy his money, and wait for future grandchildren. Sounds good to me.

I am convinced America will thrive long after these jokers are gone,and forgotten.

Pop Goes The Weasel!

I finally caught up to a certain beady eyed weasel. This creep has been on my need to do list for a couple of weeks, but, I admit he has been on the back burner. More pressing things to do. The cops knew who he was, they simply couldn't or wouldn't catch him. It's not really their fault. They just don't have the time or manpower to search every crook and cranny. This jerk has a habit of robbing old ladies. He has never hurt anyone, just scares them half to death. His crimes are all in public places,mainly purse snatching. Three warrants were out on the bastard. He will cool his heels for quite awhile, but I don't expect him to change his ways. Very few leopards ever change their spots.

You can't underestimate these little old ladies. One posted a substanial private bounty. You go grandma!

This one is going to love the county jail. Right On.

Lone Dog

I ran into a canine like this one in the dark of the night. He didn't deter me. In fact,He reminded me of myself. I wonder if the female author,Irene Rutherford McLeod, encountered such a dog.

Lone Dog

I'M a lean dog, a keen dog, a wild dog, and lone;
I'm a rough dog, a tough dog, hunting on my own;
I'm a bad dog, a mad dog, teasing silly sheep;
I love to sit and bay the moon, to keep fat souls from sleep.

I'll never be a lap dog, licking dirty feet,
A sleek dog, a meek dog, cringing for my meat,
Not for me the fireside, the well-filled plate,
But shut door, and sharp stone, and cuff and kick, and hate.

Not for me the other dogs, running by my side,
Some have run a short while, but none of them would bide.
O mine is still the lone trail, the hard trail, the best,
Wide wind, and wild stars, and hunger of the quest!